Thursday, 8 February 2018


Later this year Unity will gain some Machine Learning capabilities. That is, Artificial Intelligence, Neural Nets and all that jazz. As an experiment and to learn more about the subject I started to play around with machine learning. Using some off the shelf software I created a 'brain' and fed it multiple photos of Suzanne. In fact I fed it 20,000 frames of video and 850 high resolution photographs going back over the last 18 years. So no need to worry about 'faking' other people as I had to use 2 decades of memories!

At first all I was getting was blurry images but after a week, yes a whole week, the brain had studied Suzie's face so much it was producing much better results. After a few silly attempts, like changing faces in music videos I decided something more difficult.
The result is a 14 year old Suzie talking about fashion in Hebrew. To make it seem more authentic I added some VHS distortions and pitched the voice closer to Suzie's.
In Unity we should be able to use Machine Learning for many things like hand-writing recognition, voice commands, object recognition and other fun stuff. The more I looked into the subject, which I only dabbled into in the past, the more fascinating it is.
Here is the video and afterwards a frame grab of the 'original' video so you can see the face that was altered to become Suzie. Surprisingly, the brain also altered the girl's slightly awkward expressions to be more like Suzie too, the result is an overly confident teenager talking about the fashion industry.

Don't ask :)


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