Thursday, 28 December 2017


The voice is provided by the CGI artist's nephew Lucas. Strikes me as an interesting idea to get students to voice and also inhabit non-human creatures and try to see the world from their point of view. Might work as an extension of the 'Pose + Print' app. Jab


Drooling while watching the videos from Unity and boooooring c# tutorials.

The only way I will really learn is the make or remake a project. Decided on the moving cubes where cubes wander around organically avoiding each other like commuters would.

The only glimmer is that the compiler fills in the extra bloat for you. Before, I used to just type the code entirely. Then again Javascript is a lot shorter.

If I am to keep up with the new Unity I'll have to update a lot of older projects or they'll even stop working as web games.
Plus all the VR and AR stuff is now only in C#.

The newer Unity's powers are pretty fantastic though. 


Friday, 22 December 2017


After convincing Kevin to download the latest version of Unity to learn Javascript we both realise that Unity has UTTERLY DONE AWAY WITH THE LANGUAGE.
Now I have to learn C#, a language I have avoided for its existence, just to keep 'in the game'.

The Christmas holidays will now be a crash course in that overstuffed overbloated overloaded almost bureacratic language. It's like having to learn keigo when you've only ever used the Japanese spoken by close friends.
With Javascript I could program as fast as I could think, like doodling. 

It also means we won't be able to use the newer Unitys to teach the kids JS. Not a good start to 2018.


After talking with Kevin I had to read back over the blogs. They announced it in August but only on the blogs I never read.
They even gave it the acidic title : 

UnityScript’s long ride off into the sunset

Wednesday, 20 December 2017


Quite like this app on iPad. You can feed it a paragraph or just a series of words and it will put them all into a preset space. 

Might be handy for quick posters.


I copied and pasted one of your articles in here:

Wednesday, 22 November 2017


Got the little guy working on my new iphone 8 plus. The new ios allows you to capture video directly from the screen so it will make it easier to grab gameplay and examples.

I think in the long run AR will be a better tool than the awkward VR headsets. AR can be presented, understood and played with immediately, without messing up your hair :) . Jab